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Freelance Life - Kubik

So... What the heck is "kubik", you may find yourself asking. Kubik is actually one of the most interesting, non-packaging gig I have been on. Kubik creates environments. They are primarily events and museums. The cool thing about Kubik is that they are a one stop shop for auto show displays, trade show booths and museum environments. They handle every facet from conception to the actual show itself. Front end is creative 3D, then goes to Design 3D (basically engineering of the entire environment), then they actually build the entire thing in the back and assemble at the location and tear down. Impressive really.

They have a graphics department but it is firmly seated in production only. No creative. I was brought in for a month to fill that gap as clients were directly complaining that they wanted an in house creative person to handle their artwork instead of going outside to agencies that would charge and arm and a leg and lengthen the process. Unfortunately, it was not a successful freelance session. I basically sat with next to nothing to do for a month.

I went back for a week and was thrown into a display where creative was needed but without being entrenched inside the company it's almost impossible to be effective in the role. The process as far as 2D creative is broken and reflective at the end of the process instead of at the start of the process. In other words, the creative was done by the client and all I did was what the client directed me to do. Lets face it, if an account rep was an impressive designer, they would not be an account rep. But I was not hired to rock the boat. So I happily complied and the client was not all that impressed with his vision. Shock.

Then cam this cool opportunity to do vehicle graphics for the Rogue one movie for Nissan Full wrap. Cool. Unfortunately I had to leave to go to my next freelance gig after I did the creative. They needed someone to build the actual production files and although I tried my best to help them at night I just didn't have enough time in a day. In the end I don't think they even did the concepts because they didn't have anyone that could build the files from my creative.

Last I heard Kubik hired a Junior Creative 2D artist and I wish them all the best, but I really don't think it's what Kubik needed. I felt they are risking clients for foolish reasons. I mean a senior designer would run them about 70k and the right person could educate and work between creative 3D and production graphics and marketing to effectively leverage their customers brands. Freelance and Juniors will not have the position and leverage needed to make that happen. But they are seriously a kick ass company with incredible people. The two brothers running it are impressive. Anyone that knows me, knows that I don't give props easily. Management there rocks. Creative director and owners... impressive.

check them out.

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